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Resources: Selected Videos & Webinars

Following are what we have identified as video presentations of immediate value to our community. But please understand that they represent only a small selection of the exceptionally broad range of resources available on the website. You can find these additional resources by searching the Resource Directory section under Tools and Info tab on the first page of the national website.

Multidisciplinary Approach to Supporting Children With Tourette Syndrome & Tic Disorders

The Denver TAA/Children's Hospital of Colorado (CHCO) team received a grant from the TAA /CDC to produce a presentation on the multidisciplinary approach they are using to support patients with TS/Tic Disorders in the Hospital's new Tic Clinic. The entire presentation, of about 90 minutes, appears below.


The full program includes an introduction, then three formal presentations from Children's Hospital Colorado staff members. These four are the founding members of the Clinic:



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